Refreshingly green: Viburnum from Mediaverdi

We know Mediaverdi because of the wonderful carnations they grow every year between August and November. But did you know they also grow Viburnum Roseum? From January until April, the Mediaverdi greenhouse colours a refreshing green!

Mediaverdi has a whopping 30.000 Viburnum shrubs that they keep in pots on the grounds surrounding their greenhouse. They are outside the whole year, and are only given water. During the month May the plants are given fertilizer to ensure they grow and develop their stems well.

During the winter months, after the carnations have been cleared from the greenhouse, the greenhouse is divided into eight sections, and the viburnum shrubs are brought in one section at a time. This way, the sections bloom one by one, and not all at once. By the time the shrubs are brought into the greenhouse, they have developed their stems and are ready to develop their flowers inside. This process takes approximately six to eight weeks.

During this time the plants are only given water, and are kept at a temperature between 20-25°C. They are only given natural daylight. Careful research has shown that Virburnum don’t thrive under assimilation- or led lights as they would under natural light. As such, Viburnum flowers have relatively little impact on the environment as they are only inside the greenhouse for six to eight weeks and need no extra light. Mediaverdi has solar panels installed, bringing their electricity use to a minimum.  


Once the flowers are fully grown and blooming, they are harvested. Mediaverdi is very strict in sorting their flowers. Only stems with four equally developed heads are sold as 4+, and so on. All the flowers that haven’t developed equally are sold in a ‘rest’ sorting. This doesn’t mean the flowers aren’t good quality. In fact, the quality is as good as the 4+ stems. The difference simply lies in how the stems look and they are still fantastic to use in bouquets and arrangements! Mediaverdi wants to be very reliable in selling their flowers, so 4+ really has to be 4+. You really get what you order.

Care tips
Viburnum don’t need much flower food on the vase. Regular Chrysal for cut flowers is more than fine for them. The flowers must be kept away from bright sunlight, as this might impact the vase life.